Implementation of GB17625.1-2022 Standard Revision Certification

Technical Resolution on the Implementation Method of GB 17625.1-2022 Standard Revision Certification

    The standard GB 17625.1-2022 Limits of Electromagnetic Compatibility - Part 1: Limits of Harmonic Current Emission (input current per phase of equipment ≤ 16A) (hereinafter referred to as the 'New Standard') involved in the requirements and measurement methods of CCC Certification Implementation Rules,was released on December 29, 2022, and will be implemented on July 01, 2024, replacing GB 17625.1-2012 (hereinafter referred to as 'Old Standard').

   The analysis of standard differences by the members of the TC10 Expert Group resulted in the GB 17625.1-2022 and GB 17625.1-2012  Main Differences and Complementary Test Requirements for Standards(see annex for details).         

    Secretariat of TC10 Technical Expert Group of the Certification and Accreditation Administration 

Shanghai Electrical Apparatus Research Institute 

Proxy Seal of Shanghai Electrical Apparatus Research Institute

March 21, 2023


   Secretariat of TC10 Technical Expert Group of the Certification and Accreditation Administration

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